Thursday, 20 December 2012


Create Isometric Grid-Based 3D Lettering

Programs: Illustrator
Level: Intermediate
Skills: Typography, Grids, Creating 3D Objects

Simple Organic Shapes the Illustrator Way

Programs: Illustrator
Level: Beginner
Skills: Opacity, Duplication, Masks

Creating a Crazy Cool Logo

Programs: Illustrator
Level: Intermediate
Skills: Typography, Shading, Gradient, Transformations

Create a Clean Retro Badge in Adobe Illustrator

Programs: Illustrator
Level: Intermediate
Skills: Typography, Pattern Brushes, Effects, Color Management


Watercolored Design Studio Blog Layout

Programs: Photoshop
Level: Intermediate
Skills: Opacity, Typography, Buttons, Layout

Design a Warm, Cheerful Website Interface in Adobe Photoshop

Program: Photoshop
Level: Intermediate
Skills: Grids, Filters, Navigation Bars, Typography, Buttons, Masks

How to Build a Stylish Portfolio Web Design Concept

Program: Photoshop
Level: Beginner
Skills: Color Management, Buttons, Shadows

Create a Nature Inspirated Painted Backdrop in Photoshop

Programs: Photoshop
Level: Beginner
Skills: Brushes, Noise, Color Management, Texture
Remember: If you use any brushes as a stamp, remember that you MUST declare that as stock artwork when you submit your design!


Photoshop Tutorial: Create a Multimedia Player

Program: Photoshop
Level: Beginner
Skills: Beveling and Embossing, Gradients, Layers, Masks

Design a Clean Launch Email for a Mobile App

Program: Photoshop
Level: Intermediate
Skills: Smart Objects, Clipping Masks, Warping Text, Buttons, Shadows, Footers

Design an IPad App UI

Program: Photoshop
Level: Intermediate
Skills: Grid Structures, Wireframes, UI/UX design, Marquee, Masking


Quick Tutorial: Create a Sleek Bevel Styled Icon

Program: Illustrator
Level: Beginner
Skills: Buttons, Depth, Shading

Icon Design Tutorial: Drawing a Pencil Icon

Programs: Illustrator
Level: Intermediate
Skills: Sketching, Paths, Shapes, Gradient, Color Management

Icon Tutorial: Video Projector

Programs: Illustrator
Level: Intermediate
Skills: Gradients, Pen Tool, Ellipse Tool

How to Illustrate a Tomato Using Adobe Illustrator

Programs: Illustrator
Level: Advanced
Skills: Meshes, Gradients, Blends, Paths, Shading


A Tutorial for Good Typography in InDesign – Setting up a Baseline Grid

Programs: InDesign
Level: Beginner
Skills: Grids, Typography, Layout

How to Create A Professional Magazine Layout

Programs: Indesign
Level: Beginner
Skills: Alignment, Grids, Text, White Space

Design a Ready to Print Brochure in Photoshop

Program: Photoshop
Level: Intermediate
Skills: Drafting, Bleeds and Margins, Texture, Color, Shadow, Free Transform

Design a Grunge Vintage Poster in Photoshop

Program: Photoshop
Level: Beginner
Skills: Pattern, Guides, Shapes, Layers, Colorizing, Texture, Hue/Saturation


Create a Zee Vintage Label on Illustrator

Programs: Illustrator, Photoshop
Level: Intermediate
Skills: Typography, Layout, Masks, Layers, Texture

Create a Stylish Coffee Cup with Smart Objects

Programs: Photoshop
Level: Advanced
Skills: Paths, Free Transform, Shadows, Gradient Overlay, Layers, Opacity, Blurs, Highlights, Masks


Create Abstract Characters

Programs: Illustrator
Level: Intermediate
Skills: Sketching, Color Management, Depth, Brushes

Add Textures to Vectors Using Smart Objects

Program: Illustrator, Photoshop
Level: Intermediate
Skills: Color, Smart Objects, Textures

Layer up Vectors for Unique Effects

Programs: Illustrator
Level: Advanced
Skills: Pen Tool, Color Management, Layers, Shading

Simulate Screenprint Effects

Programs: InDesign, Photoshop
Level: Beginner
Skills: Photography, Converting File Type, Bitmap, Rasters

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